Week 9 Term 2

Good afternoon parents,

I hope you had a lovely weekend in the sunshine and have made the most of the sunny weather before the downfall of rain begins!

Just a few messages for this week...


Homework has been glued into your child's homework if they brought their book in and will be due on the last day of Term (Friday 3rd July). If you would like to bring it in earlier, please feel free to do so. We understand that the children are getting tired towards the end of the term but we feel that a good routine needs to be maintained to benefit your child's learning journey. We would really appreciate if you could do the top three grey boxes which includes:

  • Reading 10-15 aloud each night
  • Spelling: Children using their sound out fist to identify how many sounds are in each word. We are learning the ir/ur/er sound over the next two weeks. 
  • Fluency grid: Read the words as fast as they can and tick each word they get correct and dot the words they need more practice with. 

Friday - PJ Day

This Friday the 26th is Pajama day at OLC. All students are invited to wear the pajamas to school for a gold coin donation. This money will be going towards our school Caritas fundraising.

Meals after wheels
Next Monday 29th June, the Year Two and One students have the opportunity to participate in “Wheels After Meals”. This involves bringing their roller blades/skateboards or scooters to school to ride at lunchtime after eating their lunch.  They will also be required to bring all the appropriate safety gear, (helmet, knee & elbow pads), labelled with their name.  Students should put their roller blades/skateboards or scooter in the area behind Mr Lee’s office.
If your child would like to participate, please send the attached permission slip to their class teacher by Friday this week (19th June). This will be sent out soon from Admin. 
The students will be supervised by Mr Torrese and Mr Lee in the top car park on Monday.

Cross Country
We would love to see you at the annual OLC Cross Country next Wednesday the 1st of July. The Year Ones will be the first class running at 9.15 and the carnival will conclude by 11.00 am. Presentations will be held next term, when we can hold Assemblies - Yay!

It is asked that you park in the top car park or the Sloan car park as the gravel car park will be closed. We would love to see you there!

Phew! I think that is everything! I hope you have a lovely week!

Mrs King and Mrs Sorgiovanni

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