Week 10 Term 2

Good afternoon parents,

I hope you have had a great weekend break.  We have continued to be busy little bees in the 1/2K team!
Just a few reminders as we head towards the last week of school for the term.


Homework has been glued into your child's homework if they brought their book in previous Friday and the two week cycle will be due on the last day of Term. We will continue with this system next term.  If you would like to bring it in earlier if you are taking an early holiday break, please feel free to do so.
We will continue to be focusing on the 'er' sound in spelling and phonics and looking at the common graphemes we use in English to spell these sounds - er, ir and ur (and this week we learnt that sometimes we use the letters 'or' when next to a w like in work and word to show the 'er' sound).  We would really appreciate if you continue to read out the list out loud to your child (in varying order) and have them practise writing their spelling words on some scrap paper.  Our fortnightly spelling test last week had impressive class results and high scores which correlated with many students who are practising their spelling words for homework.
Please also continue to have your child read aloud to you each night, no matter what 'level' they are on to practise their decoding and fluency skills.  We also encourage you to discuss any interesting words they may come across to help develop their vocabulary bank.  There is also a fluency grid in their homework book - a suggestion is to time how long it takes to read them and try to better the score each night or set a time eg. 2 min to see how far can get along the grid.  Tick the correct and dot the difficult words as a way to monitor how they are going.

Meals after wheels
Tomorrow, Monday 29th June, the Year Two and One students have the opportunity to participate in “Wheels After Meals”. This involves bringing their roller blades/skateboards or scooters to school to ride at lunchtime after eating their lunch.  They will also be required to bring all the appropriate safety gear, (helmet, knee & elbow pads), labelled with their name in order to participate.  Students should put their roller blades/skateboards or scooter in the area behind Mr Lee’s office.
If your child would like to participate, please send the attached permission slip to their class teacher or write us an email stating permission.  The students will be supervised by Mr Torrese and Mr Lee in the top car park on Monday.

Cross Country
We would love to see you at the annual OLC Cross Country thisWednesday the 1st of July. The Year Ones will be the first class running at 9.15, followed by Year 2 students shortly after and the carnival will conclude by 11.00 am. Presentations will be held next term, when we can hold assemblies - Yay!

It is asked that you park in the top car park or the Sloan car park as the gravel car park will be closed. We would love to see you there!

Merit Award
This week's winner in our class was Flynn! We are so proud of you Flynn how you have been working through challenges and your never-give-up attitude.  You have been working so hard and we love reading your interesting ideas and cool facts in your writing.  Well done, Flynn. Mr Torrese came in to visit us and present the award this week.

Semester One Reports
Reports will be sent out end of next week via seqta email instead of the previous form of hard copy so keep an eye on your inbox for these.  Just a reminder that in the interesting events of COVID, the academic reports your child will be sent will look at little different than usual and in accordance to government and CEWA, This semester's reports will not include grades but instead an above, at, or below expected level in regards to Year 1 or 2 curriculum and will be an overall/averaged judgement for each learning area as opposed to each learning area strand graded.  Please feel free to contact us via email if you have any questions at all that you may have about this or your child's progress.  We can also organise a meeting next week or first week back after holidays if you would like one.

Please also feel free to continue to contact us via email if there is anything at all you would like to let us know or any questions you may have.
Here's to another great final week for Term 2!

Thank you for your continued support and assistance.
Mrs King and Mrs Sorgiovanni

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