
Showing posts from 2017

Beach day info

Dear Parents, Tomorrow is our beach day and the Year Two children will be leaving after recess to start their day. The schedule will go as follows: 8.50-9.40: School assembly 9.40-10.00: The children will leave for the Boat Ramp 10.00-10.15: Morning tea at the Boat ramp 10.20 - 11.50: Rotations of sand play, rock pool exploration, water play (Supervised by Smith's Beach Surf Life Saving) and playground. 11.50 - 12.05: Children return back to OLC for lunch 12.05-3.05: School activities Your child will need to bring to school: - Their Recess an water bottle in a PLASTIC BAG with their name on it - Their school bag with only their lunch in it when they return from the beach - Thongs to wear on their feet (they can wear these for the entire day) - Change of clean undies to get changed into after. - A wide brimmed hat or their school hat - Come to school with sunscreen on (we will have some available for application duirng the day) - Wear a rashie or collared t-shirt w...

Week 8 Term 4

Upcoming Events Friday 1st December - no assembly due to graduation  Friday 1st December - Orientation morning to Year Three - Mrs Delane and Mr McSevich  Friday 1st December - Boardies Day fundraiser for Smiths Beach SLSC - gold coin donation Vinnies Christmas Appeal There is a box in the classroom for donations to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Some ideas for donations include: tins, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas). Thank you to those of you who have already contributed some generous donations to those who require our support at this special time of the year, which can be a difficult time for some families. Visit to Our Church Early last week we used our knowledge about the structure and features of a friendly informal letter to write letters to Father Ian that included some wondering thoughts and questions about our religion and the church.  We were invited t...

Term 4 Week 7

Upcoming Events Friday 1st December - Orientation morning to Year Three Friday 1st December - Boardies Day fundraiser for Smiths Beach SLSC - gold coin donation English Last week we began our new genre focus on letters.  We have enjoyed writing informal letters to family and friends and learning the differences between formal letters, friendly letters and notes.  Today we wrote a letter to Father Ian to ask some questions about church and requesting a visit in the near future to learn more about our parish and our Catholic religion.  You may also see a few letters to Santa appearing soon! Maths and Visual Arts The last few weeks have been very busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes and transformations of shapes using flips, slides and turns.  We have also investigated symmetry and tessellations in our world.  We have also been looking at how mathematics can be seen in so many pieces of art in nature and that made by humans.  We have loved looking at s...

Term 4 Week 3

Term 4!!!! Upcoming events: Friday 27th October 12:15pm : Year 2 Friendology luncheon Sunday 5th November 9am: Year 4 Eucharist Thursday 9th November: Book Week Dress Up Day Friendology Lunch: Dear Parents, we are pleased to be holding a shared Friendology luncheon between 2H and 2M  on Friday 27th October  (Week 3) to celebrate our learning gained within our Friendology programme. The children unanimously decided that they would like an shared luncheon to further develop the friendships they have with children from both classes. We look forward to this special celebration. We would like each child to bring a small plate of food to share. If your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies could you please prepare a separate plate for them to enjoy on the day. Our shared luncheon will commence at 12.15. Thanking you in advance, Kind regards, Paula, Kristy and Penny English: The first few weeks of this term we have focused on writing narratives ...

Term 3 Week 9

Upcoming events: Wednesday 13th - Jumps event at approx 2.00pm Thursday 14th - Athletics carnival Please wear your faction shirts on Wednesday and Thursday and sports uniform on Friday this week. Please see today's SEQTA email  and last week's newsletter for details about times for events for the Athletics carnival and recess/lunch breaks. Shoebox donations: Thank you so much for all of the donations that came in last week for Operation Christmas Child.  This project has been running in the school for well over a decade and it is another way we can show compassion and care for others.  If there are any more donations or $2.50 postage coins, please bring them in ASAP. Learning:  Geography/Science: We continue to be busy bees in 2H, learning about our local native animals.  We have begun our inquiry cycle and collating current knowledge and wonder questions.  This week we will begin researching information to create a report and informational nar...

Term 3 Week 8

Upcoming Events: Wednesday 6th  - Jumps event: 2H 2.10-3.00pm wear sports uniform Friday 8th- Operation Christmas Child shoebox donation due date please Wednesday 13th- Throws event: 2H 2.10pm wear sports uniform Thursday 14th - Athletics carnival Jumps Our class' time for jumps has been scheduled for last hour on Wednesday afternoon.  Spectators and helpers are welcome.  Year 2-6 students wear sports uniform on this day in addition to our Thursday and Friday sport days this week. Little Mermaid  All of the students were invited to see the wonderful production this afternoon and it was absolutely fantastic! So many wonderful songs and the performance was amazing.  If you haven't got tickets, they are still available for Wednesday, Thursday and some limited for Friday. I'm sure the children would love to see the production again under the lights.  Mathematics We are continuing to focus on money this week.  It would be appreciated if you...

Term 3 Week 7

Upcoming Events   Friday 1st September: 7.30am Father's Day breakfast, 9.00am 2H Prayer Assembly Week 9 and 10 Jumps and throws events (timetable will be shared next week when it is finalised) Friday 8th September: Operation Shoebox  items due Operation Christmas Child   Thank you so much to those who have already organised gifts and money donations for the Christmas Shoeboxes.  We have set up a collection basket next to the communication book.  Please remember that your donation requires $2.50 per child for postage of these boxes.  A note went home last week regarding what type of item your child has chosen to donate. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further queries. These gifts are sure to bring happiness to those children in need.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.  Parent Helpers Thank you to those parent helpers who have volunteered some of their time to help with mathematics lessons.  There are stil...

Term 3 Week 6

Week 6 Upcoming events: Thursday 24 th August: SCHOOL PHOTOS – Please wear winter dress uniform (no tights) and bring along white sports shoes and socks to change into (full sports wear is not required for our class).  Next Friday 1 st September: 2H PRAYER ASSEMBLY Mathematics: Last week we were focusing on subtraction and learning how to organise sums into vertical arrangement (columns of tens and ones).  We have also been using number grids and number lines to solve subtraction sums.  Today some of us even learnt how to regroup, borrowing tens and bringing them into the ones/units column when there wasn’t enough.  Some fun acting out pizza shop scenarios was had! We will be learning about money next week, combining our knowledge about skip counting, addition and subtraction operations to make different amounts and solve money problems.  English: We have been focusing on our comprehension of texts, answering different types of questions and ...

Term 3 Week 4

The 2H team have approached Term 3 learning with a bang! Our focus topics have been: Mathematics : introducing multiplication and division symbols, reading and writing sums and solving worded problems.  We have loved applying our knowledge to hands-on tasks and solving tricky open-ended problems in partners that had multiple answers.  We can now use a think board to show the ways a number problem can be represented and solved. Reading:  Our reading group rotations each morning has continued this term.  This provides us time for us to read, read and read in small groups and on our own. We know that reading exercises and strengthens our reading brain 'muscle'.  Reading more = better readers!  We have continued to learn about METACOGNITION which means thinking about our thinking as we read.  We need to listen to the two voices in our head when we read - one says the words and the other does the thinking such as predicting, noticing things, wonderi...

Term 3 Week 1

Week 10 What a last week of Term 2! Grandparents Day, Dinosaur Day and lots of mathematics learning about length.  Thank you so much to the wonderful parent helpers - we couldn't have such great learning opportunities and fun without your help.   We hope you all had a wonderful winter holiday break and some precious family time.    Term 3 Homework The use of a homework folder really helped students to develop their organisation and taking responsibility in their learning last term. Thank you parents for helping to develop these routines for homework and ensuring their child is packing them in their bags each night/morning last term. A reminder for what should be kept in the homework folders and brought to school every day: Home reading book (if reading a school book, some students are reading books from the library or their own - these students are welcome to bring in their books from home if they would like) Red reading log Think Mentals...

Week 9

Upcoming events: Cross country - wear faction shirt tomorrow please Grandparents Day - Tuesday 27th June 9.00-11.00am Dinosaur Day - Wednesday 28th June - please send in permission slips/parent helpers Teamwork  We have been working on our teamwork skills in our classroom.  Working together, sharing ideas and collaboratively completing tasks are helping us to become better learners in 2H. Length and Measurement in Maths This week we have begun to focus on a new topic in Mathematics - length! We will be exploring how the length of objects can be measured using uniform units.  We will be developing our measurement skills and understanding of centimetres and metres. Dinosaur Day   2M and 2H are looking forward to the special Dinosaur Dress Up Day. next week on Wednesday.  Please send in permission slips for the movie ASAP.  We are also hoping for a few more parent volunteers for the morning from 9-11 to help assist with some fun activities....

Dinosaur Day & Our Assembly

Dear Parents We were thrilled to showcase our learning in Year 2H within our assembly last week. Please find a few images we wish to share with you. The children in both Year Two classes will be having a Dinosaur Day on Wednesday 28th June (Week 10) from 9-11 a.m. I am asking for volunteers to help on this day please. You will be assigned a task and the children will rotate through the different activities. If you are able to help could you let me know definitely by Friday 23rd June. (Week 9). Thank you in advance. Your child is asked to come to school on Dinosaur Day dressed up as a dinosaur. The costume does not have to be elaborate and if you need any ideas I am happy to suggest some to you. They will wear the costume for the whole day and don't need to bring a change of clothes. You will receive a note home to sign asking permission for your child to watch "IceAge 3- Dawn of the Dinosaurs". It will need to be returned to school before the 28th June. Thank...

Welcome to Week 6

Dear Parents We are delighted to showcase a small window into our classroom learning this term within our assembly item next Friday 9th June. Costumes Each child will need to come to school dressed in a set of winter pajamas along with slippers or ugg boots on their feet. As children will be getting changed into their school uniform immediately following the assembly it would be most appreciated if you could send your child's school uniform in a clearly labelled plastic bag. Practice The majority of practice will be undertaken in class. However, if your child has a particular speaking part they will be bringing home their lines to practice. It would be most appreciated if you could assist with fluency and confidence. Friendology Our friendology program and classes will begin this Friday. As part of this exciting program students will be using a familiar soft toy for role play components. If all students could please bring to school a small soft toy. It is preferable th...

Welcome to Week 5

Good Evening Wonderful 2H Parents Homework Folders Thank you for the helpful homework folders. Wow what a difference these have made for the efficiency of our classroom routines and your child.  We do hope that you are experiencing the benefits on the home front.  Supplementary Mathematics Material You may have noticed your son or daughter has an additional Mathematics package within their homework folder? Within class over the next 3 weeks our Mathematics teaching, activities and learning will be focussed around fractions and time. As such, we have provided additional material to be utilised by yourselves and your child at home, should you so wish .  Please note this may be utilised by yourselves as additional practice and support for your child if you feel this may be beneficial (or they need a confidence boost), by an external tutor if this is applicable or as an extension activity. Alternatively, with the cold weather setting upon us and flu season beginn...

Wow.... Week 4 already....

Good Morning to our wonderful parents of 2H What a delight it has been to welcome your children back into term 2 and witness the excitement and growth in their learning over the last 4 weeks.  Introduction of a Reading Log In order to promote reading and independence within our students we will be introducing a Home Reading Log. This will be utilised to enable your child to record in writing what exciting books they have been reading at home each night. This practice will allow us as teachers to identify what book choices your child is making, interests they may hold and generate positive insightful dialogue surrounding literacy.  It would be most appreciated if you could assist your child to complete the book title and the number of pages read each night. We will then have a look at the reading log entry throughout the school day and have a little chat with your child about the exciting books they are reading.  Homework Folder In order to better facilita...

Welcome to Term Two

Good Afternoon Year Two Families May we extend a warm welcome back to all of our beautiful students and families. We do hope you have enjoyed a restful holiday break with plenty of smiles and relaxation. Sight Words Today we are pleased to advise that we are sending home your child's individual current set of sight words.  Please note your child's reading level and sight words will be tested throughout the term. The sight words will be tested regularly and it is an expectation that children be able to both read and spell sight words. If you could ask your child to both read and verbally spell out  their sight words on a daily basis, that would be greatly appreciated.   Welcome Mrs Penny King Mrs Penny King will begin teaching within our beautiful class next Thursday 4th May. Consequently,  Mrs Hunt will be teaching tomorrow 27th April whilst Penny is in the process of relocating.  Fun Run Next Wednesday 3rd May we will be participating in th...

Writing Samples and Art Folio

This afternoon your child brought home their Writing Draft Book and Art Folio. Please take the time over the holidays to sit down with your child and look at both. On the inside cover of their writing books you will find 2 samples of their writing from the first week of school.  From reflecting on these, I set them their first writing goal for the term.  Giving your child one thing at a time to focus on in their writing has allowed them to focus and feel success in their writing.  All children reached their first writing goal at some point this term.  You will find a certificate in their book detailing their achieving and setting their next goal. Celebrate how much their writing improved in their final piece of writing (Beach or Pool)  compared with their first writing samples of the year.   In looking at your child's writing, try and focus on the things that they have improved on, rather than what they cannot yet do.  You will note that I have...

Maths and Monet

Year 2H enjoyed some hands on Maths this week to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and to order numbers from smallest to largest up to 100.  We used items from our maths pencil cases to help us. Some clever clogs used pencil and paper to work with numbers up to 1000! In Art we continued our artist study of Monet and viewed his Japanese Bridge painting over the  famous water lily lake.  We admired Monet's use of colour, line and shape.   We viewed an oil pastel tutorial and then used our own art skills to create an image of a bridge over the water lily lake.  We finished our artwork with a photo of ourselves posing on the bridge.  It was great cutting practice to cut around the photo and a big decision of where to place it on our backgrounds.   Your child will be bringing their Art Folio home in the holidays for you to look at the artwork they have produced in Term1.  Enjoy looking at how their art skills are developing.   ...

Our Amazing Excursion and Fantastic Family Mass

Wow! What a week we have had in Year 2H! We started the week with Rainbow Sock Day to raise awareness for Down Syndrome.  As well as having happy feet on this day, we also completed some counting activities with Mrs Martin and decorated our own pair of socks to make our class display.  The display can help us count by twos (across the rows) or 10s (down the columns). We also started to collect Easter Egg donations for our whole school Easter Raffle in Week 10.  Thank you for your generous support! Raffle Tickets were sent home during the week.  Please return ticket stubs with your child’s name on them along with $1 a ticket to the office please.  If you would like to purchase more tickets they are available at the office.  All money raised from the raffle is added to our Project Compassion fundraising for the Term. We are continuing to collect donations for the raffle this week.  Please place items in the basket in the classroom. On Wedne...